Thursday, September 25, 2008

Where are we at now...

Hi again - just making a wee post in my lunch break - if I'm going to be honest with you, I'm home because I knew that the hard drive I ordered on line would be arriving today - and since I'd all connected and formatting now - I figure I should make another contribution to the ramblings...

I have decided that this will most likely be very therapeutic. It's great that I can talk about these things completely annoymously to a group of people who are at the very least interested in the topic I'm talking about, and most likely have had som infertility issues at some point if not currently. Don't get me wrong, I find talking to my wife is great - and it's necessary to keep each other going, but this is kinda different - this is a previously untapped resource of people who know what it's like and understand. 

So currently Sarah and I are waiting for Sarah's next cycle to begin so that she can then start on Estradiol Valerate three times a day, and also uterogestan pessaries also three times a day. After having been through the follicle collection phase previously, I don't think Sarah's anywhere near as concerned about the effects of these medications - this time it seems like a walk in the park by comparrison!

For me - the last couple of months have been quite hard. In a number of ways really. Firstly of course there is the fact that we've lost a potential life - our best chance at beating this infertility thing so far didn't work. I know in my head that this doesn't really mean very much, because it was never a "sure thing" - but it still gets me every time. Secondly there's the way that infertility has affected both my life and Sarah's. I have found that stress has become a fact of daily life for me - work isn't helping things. 

Speaking of which - lunchtime is coming to a close...

1 comment:

J said...

Hi Abe. Really nice to meet you. I think you have a really healthy perspective, and a good view on God and life.

If you can learn anything from my blog - stay completely anonymous! Don't tell anyone. I know that I felt that I wanted to express what I was going through, and I found that easiest in my blog. My mistake was to tell someone to read my blog rather that speak to them properly. Then it all went a bit wrong.

Anyway - good to meet you, and I pray that God will give you the desire of your heart.
